Join Our Talented Team!

Join Laura Metzler Photography Team
Join Laura Metzler Photography Team


We are a DC-based photography and creative studio founded by Laura Metzler. Our mission to provide high quality stylized photography for business owners to elevate their brand.


Travel, photography, design-obsessed creative types who are passionate about adding aesthetic value to all the nooks and crannies of our life from interiors to the events we host to the coffee and teas we drink. We value female and minority leadership, collaboration, and supporting local artisans, brands and spaces.


Our clients tend to be creative professionals and cool lifestyle brands who understand the value of truly captivating, outside-the-box imagery. They come to us for something a cut above what would be considered traditional in their industry, and we deliver high end results.

We might be a perfect match if you are…

  • You like being a part of a creative team and can work well with others. You’re a “yes and” player who can advocate for your ideas without stepping on other peoples’ toes. We can trust that if you’re on location or on a call with a client, you’ll represent LMP like a boss.

  • You’ve planned your Instagram feed down to favorite presets. You love data and insights on social media and using it as a tool to connect with others, share the highlights of your life, and as a creative challenge that keeps you looking for the beauty in daily life.

  • You go with the flow and are open to change. You prioritize the client over yourself. You’re always courteous to clients and team members, and your email etiquette is on point. You value your time away from the office, but when you show up, you’re ALL IN.

  • You don’t let hiccups stop you. You can come up with amazing hacks and solutions for challenges that might hold some people back, whether its a restricted budget, poor lighting conditions, or no wifi. You don’t give up; you find a solution.

Positions at Laura Metzler Photography

We are not currently hiring for any of the following positions, if you think you may be a fit forthe future of LMP, please reach out. We will keep you in mind when we are ready to hire!

Please send your resume, portfolio, and social media links to with subject line “APPLICATION.” If there’s some other way you think you can support our mission that’s not described below, please let us know. We’re very collaborative! If a position is filled, you may send us an application for future reference and we may be in touch for temporary positions on an as-needed basis.